I finally got completely fed up with Yahoo Mail today. Consistently the ads would stall the browser and slow down response times, never mind just being annoying.
I've known about Greasemonkey for years but never had the incentive until today to see if I could nuke these annoyances.
It was embarrassingly easy.
Step 1: Get a real browser. Download Firefox.
Step 2: Download and install the Greasemonkey Add-on.
Step 3: Install the Yahoo Mail Cleaner script for Greasemonkey.
Viola! No more ads. And better yet, this isn't a black box, it's ludicrously simple javascript:
One if block. It's embarrassing that I lived with ads that long.
But why stop there.
I don't really like ads in facebook either.
There's a script for that: Remove Facebook Ads
Hate how a google image search lands you in iframe hell?
There's a script for that: Google Image Relinker Mod
Think video sites shouldn't burn your eyeballs out?
There's a script for that, too: YouTube Comfort in Black
There's even a script for all of you freaks who think the old facebook was better, though I'm not following you here, so you'll have to go find that one yourself. And accept a little change into your life in the process.
I've known about Greasemonkey for years but never had the incentive until today to see if I could nuke these annoyances.
It was embarrassingly easy.
Step 1: Get a real browser. Download Firefox.
Step 2: Download and install the Greasemonkey Add-on.
Step 3: Install the Yahoo Mail Cleaner script for Greasemonkey.
Viola! No more ads. And better yet, this isn't a black box, it's ludicrously simple javascript:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Yahoo Mail cleaner
// @namespace http://userscripts.org/yahoomailcleaner
// @description Removes ads from Yahoo Mail (AJAX)
// @include http://*.mail.yahoo.com/dc/launch*
// ==/UserScript==
if (window.wrappedJSObject.kPartner) {
window.wrappedJSObject.kPartner.bucket = 0;
One if block. It's embarrassing that I lived with ads that long.
But why stop there.
I don't really like ads in facebook either.
There's a script for that: Remove Facebook Ads
Hate how a google image search lands you in iframe hell?
There's a script for that: Google Image Relinker Mod
Think video sites shouldn't burn your eyeballs out?
There's a script for that, too: YouTube Comfort in Black
There's even a script for all of you freaks who think the old facebook was better, though I'm not following you here, so you'll have to go find that one yourself. And accept a little change into your life in the process.